Fiscally nuts. Socially insane.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bad Turnout on the Right

David Frum reports: But the deep fundamental news of this election is contained in the primary turnout numbers. They are getting ominous for the GOP.

Yes, indeed they are. We're looking at roughly twice as many people voting for Democrats as opposed to Republicans in Iowa. In New Hampshire, the difference was also brutal; 288,000 against 239,000, favoring the dems. As much as I hate to say it, I'm bracing for a blowout November, no matter who wins on either side.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this says anything about the Republican candidates.

Will Conway said...

No, I don't think so. The candidates are good enough. I just think with the leadership (or lack there of) from Bush, people want a Democrat. Tired of the old. I always kind of thought this race was going to go to the Democrat. I guess this just confirms it.

David said...

Yet the candidates chose to stick with Bush. McCain certainly knows Bush could have run the war better, and chooses not to discuss it.

Will Conway said...

McCain thinks Bush could have run the war better? Is that why the war is his main topic?